Friday, February 13, 2009

Wunderlich kids Valentine boxes

The kids each decorated a box to take to school to put their Valentines in.
Kiley's Dog Valentine box.
Dane's Outhouses Valentine box.

Jed's Hummer Valentine box.


  1. Those boxes are awesome! Man, were your creative juices flowing. Do you guys have a competition with your classes on the "best decorated box"? Harry wonders how you are able to do all your boxes. Did your mom and dad help out or was it all you kids? Lincoln just decorated a shoe box while Harry decorated a sack that his teacher gave him. Aren't classes and schools a funny thing in how they very.

  2. wow those are way cool boxes. Looks like you had alot of fun making them.

  3. We have to give all the creative credit to Grandpa Larry and Aunt Jen. They are the ones who help the kids do the fun boxes. Most kids up here just cover a shoe box (that's what Mom usually helps us do) but last year Aunt Jen helped us get creative and we recycled the boxes to use again this year. Thanks Jen and Grandpa for making Valentine's Day fun.

  4. Brookelyn loves Kileys shirt and thinks its funny.
